Medical Supply Requests

Medical supplies and kits required at work sites can be provided on request to
These would include:

  • Basic first aid kits
  • DMAC kits as required by IMCA regulations
  • Automated defibrillators (AED’s)

Emergency coordination:

The 24hr medical and emergency service hotline is staffed by paramedic personnel with experience in the management of medical emergencies and associated evacuation or repatriation services. Associations with emergency service providers nationally, regionally and internationally ensure access to a broad range of medical and transportation services.  The challenges of working in lesser developed or more isolated environments are mitigated through this knowledge base.

Insurer liaison:

The MedOccs International hotline team fully comprehend the requirements for the issuing of payment guarantees in the event of activating medical, transportation or evacuation services. While prior knowledge of client insurance provisions is essential, the team has the expertise and the authority to obtain and then provide the necessary financial assurances that are required.
Assistance with medical reports and claims filing is enhanced through the use of an on-line, real-time medical services data base, reviewed by the consultant medical specialist, and providing the required substantiating documentation to ensure prompt payment of all authorized claims.

Chamber standby:

Occupational legal requirements around the world are much the same. Certain diving operations require a chamber either in close proximity to the dive operation, or at the very least, a chamber that can be activated to manage an injured diver. MedOccs, through its association with other organisations, has knowledge of and access to a multitude of chambers situated in often remote parts of the diving world.
Caution is needed as not all of these chambers might meet occupational legal requirements, but at the very least, they are capable of dealing with most medical emergencies. The database of assessed and acceptable chambers is constantly updated.